On Sa

The worst never came. Nothing.
But whether a planned fundraising benefit or an unplanned natural disaster, I am aware of some important take-aways:
- Be prepared. Have a "Plan B" for quirky audio/video or if a speaker is stuck. Anticipate challenges and problems and course correct before they unfold. Have back stocks of batteries, light sources, non-perishable foods. Keep the car full of gas. Have cash on hand. Have supplies of extra medications and a first aid kit.
- Have a network of close and capable people nearby. Look after one another. Trust. Care. Show up and do what needs to be done. Be easy and kind. Acknowledge one another.
- Have a plan. Know who is available and the roles they will play. Know who has responsibility and/or authority. Know who is the decider of last resorts and on which issues. Know where there is higher ground. Know where there is temporary shelter. Know where there are passable roads. Know who the point person is to be called on when needed.
- Keep your wits. Sometimes stress looks controlling or impatient or short tempered; it's just stress. Sometimes fear looks controlling or impatient or short tempered; it's just fear. Sometimes behaviors have nothing to do with you and are just natural expressions of a larger thing. Roll with it in the moment. Clean it up later.
- Stay focused, busy, on task. In some cases, doing something is better than doing nothing. Set a goal. Dream big. Be Mission-driven. It is pretty simple--One Saturday, raise money. The next Saturday, stay safe.
- Debrief, reflect, and grow. Review what worked, what was useful, what was skillful. Deconstruct events to learn for the next time. Celebrate and savor success. Know when to move on.
I wonder what this coming Saturday will hold.