Notice my logo?
Well there’s a little story.
I invented the logo in the third grade when I decided to run for student council treasurer at
Rosedell Elementary School.
“Watch your money grow with Gary Groth” I said from the stage in the outdoor amphitheater to the entire student body.
My clever logo and slogan did not propel me into elementary school electoral politics success.
But through the process I did notice there was something really great about wanting to serve my school.
I used the logo in a dozen other student council elections and youth leadership activities over the years, many with very successful outcomes.
I became well known in school and in my community for my logo that represented growth, forward movement, change, and success.
People came to believe that when I participated bigger things happened.
As I grew older I learned of my unwavering integrity and enthusiasm.
I was called a masterful problem solver and strategic thinker.
I represented growth.
Gro(w)th became my brand.
When I began my consulting business many years ago and my coaching business recently, it was very clear to me what this business would be called and what it would be about. After all, I had been this brand for 35 years! The third grade candidate for student council treasurer has grown up and the brand recognition remains: Whether talking about strategic planning or fundraising, finding healthy work/life balance or making more skillful choices, my work is about growth, forward movement, change, and success.
What does your name say about you and your purpose?