Am I remembering this correctly--"wired" used to mean "over caffeinated" as in "having had too much coffee to drink?" Because today, being wired has a lot more to do with computers and cell phones, the Internet, "The Google," (this link still cracks me up!) and social/business networking sites. Where ever we are, so is the entire world. We are connected.
Beyond wondering this morning if exploring my new Facebook profile and drinking my third cup of coffee is redundant, I am also wondering how being wired has made my life better, my business more prosperous, my clients more informed. What meaning does being wired have to me today?
What I do know is there is a lot of contradiction in my heart about it. I yearn for deep relationships and yet, it appears relationships are now a series of wall postings and tweets. I find that maintaining several sites, each designed with a specific audience in mind, takes time; I now wrestle with managing quantity when it was always about quality for me. This can't be good. Sitting in front of my computer cannot replace the feeling of seeing a person's face, sharing a handshake or hug, and being in the dynamic energy that is created face-to-face. I guess what's true (and I am willing to explore this more) is the more wired I am, the more disconnected I am feeling. What am I missing here?
I am in a very reflective, curious place this morning. Are we really building relationships on-line? Can family and friends be drawn closer, business connections deepened by electronic means of communication? Do hand written cards, letterhead, telephone calls, and "let's meet for lunch" matter anymore? What do you notice about your on-line relationships and your in-person relationships? How are they similar? Different? How are you on-line vs. in-person? What's the difference between being widely connected and deeply in relationship?
I love the convenience and ease and access that comes from having a computer and the Internet in my life. The challenge is to make sure the computer does not replace a handshake, a trip to the library, or a visit with a friend or relative.
And while we're on topic: Find me and Gro(w)th Coaches on Linkedin, Plaxo, Facebook, Skype,, this blog, and probably others!