There is no one way! Leap. Swan dive. Back flip. Hang glide. Base jump. Cannon ball. Bungee jump. Scale the side of the cliff. Rappel. Zip line. Hang on by your finger nails. Take a running start. Be a mountain goat or a bird. Turn around and walk down the way you got up in the first place. Send someone else up there. Come up with a new metaphor...
What if you do leave the comfort (?) of the ledge. Maybe you will land on your feet. Maybe you will end up in a broken pile of mess. What is true is you will have left the ledge, having dared to get closer to what--from up there--felt so far away.
And I am curious, what is your ledge? How far can you see? What will be if you leave that place? Now ask yourself, what will really happen if you leave that place?
Now soar!